The Little Big Steps charity idea was all sparked when co-founder Cass’ son Lochie was gifted a Garmin Vivofit Jnr for his birthday and it transformed his physical and mental wellbeing during cancer treatment almost overnight. By introducing a fun way to encourage physical activity and rewarding him for achieving these stepping goals, plus any chores he set, Lochie had the incentive to get moving again after being bed-bound for weeks.
We approached Garmin to support Little Big Steps and to help us reach an initial goal of giving activity trackers to 50 kids going through treatment as an inpatient in the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.
We are delighted to announce that our new friends at Garmin have helped us take the first of our little big steps by donating 50 Vivofit Jnr 2 activity trackers to kickstart our initiative. These will be provided to new and existing patients at the Royal Children’s Hospital over the coming months.
These activity trackers will encourage kids to count their steps, reach their daily targets and add some exercise fun into their day.